Sunday, May 28, 2006

Definitely a Night to Remember

Seems like every night in Monaco is one to remember, but last night was especially fantastic. The EG girls met the gang at The Beach Plaza for dinner. Great food and great company which included international jet setters and we were entertained all night by Steven Soderbergh's witty repoire.

From dinner we went on to the Superman party which was on a 3 level floating dock and the night really took off from there. We met so many great people and made some exciting connections- but you will have to wait for more on that!

The evening ended in the early morning (6am!!!) and 2 very tired EG girls got a little rest. But who needs rest when you have rejuvenating EG serums to use!

We woke up this morning to the sounds of VERY loud F1 race cars and quickly headed up to the roof to watch the Grand Prix. The race was so overwhelming and exciting to see. Pictures will be up soon.

Now we are waiting for the roads to reopen and then we are off to the yacht once again to make sure everyone is loving their Elizabeth Grant Skincare!

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